2025 Membership Restructure

New Membership Options Are Live!

The new membership options under the 2025 restructure are now live.  Click the button to join INBC or renew your membership.

New Membership Tiers

There will now be 3 levels (tiers) of membership, each with their own benefits.  In response to member feedback, we will be offering “phase in” pricing at the Member and Professional levels for 2025 renewals, increasing for renewals in 2026 and later.

Although the prices are higher than the current level of $24 per year, please keep mind that:

  • It’s been about a decade since the last dues increase
  • Our new plan will allow us to pay our basic expenses primarily through dues, providing greater stability and predictability, and allowing us to provide much greater member discounts on INBC events
  • A more stable financial footing will allow us to do more outreach, haflas, etc. 
  • We will be offering additional benefits at the Member and Professional levels
  • If you spread it out over the year, the increase in dues at the member level is equivalent to $2.16 per month for 2025 ($3 per month for 2026 and later).

Here’s a summary of each new level and the benefits associated with each:

Supporter ($25/year)

  • You will be helping to support and sustain the Indiana belly dance community
  • $5 discounted entrance for all INBC and partnership events
  • Subscription to the bi-monthly newsletter

Member ($50/year for 2025 renewals, $60/year thereafter)

     Same as Supporter, plus:

  • Extra discounts at INBC events
  • Vendor fee discounts
  • Eligibility to sell items at our swap ‘n shops
  • Access to members-only portion of the website, including the printable membership card
  • You can submit your events to the News and Happenings feed
  • Eligibility for Event Partnership Program
  • Eligibility for Scholarship and Grant Program

Professional ($100/year for 2025 renewals, $120/year thereafter)

     Same as Member, plus:

Special Discounts

We will be offering special discounts to seniors age 65 and older and members who are serving the organization as a Regional Ambassador or Officer.

  • Seniors (65+) – If you age 65 or older, you can get an individual membership for the supporter price; or upgrade to a professional membership for an additional $15!
  • Regional Ambassador/Officer – If you are a Regional Ambassador or an elected Officer, you can get a professional membership for the individual price!

Frequently Asked Questions

Click on a question to see the answer.

For the reasons described above, some type of change in our financial model is overdue in order to ensure the future of the Indianapolis Bellydance Collective.  We chose the January 1st effective date in order to simplify implementation.

The new tiers are effective for renewal dates and new members on or after January 1, 2025.  The “phase-in” pricing will apply to renewal and join dates in 2025, the final pricing will apply to dates in 2026 and later.  If you’re currently a member, do not need to take any special action before your 2025 renewal date.

Please view your membership card to see your next renewal date.

You can’t change your renewal date, but your membership will continue through your 2025 renewal date!

If you are a member on January 1st, you will remain an individual level member until your renewal date.  You do not need to do anything before your renewal date, and you definitely don’t need pay the partial year at the higher rate!

If you are currently included in one or more of our directories (teachers, performers, or vendors/professional services) we will retain your listing(s) until your 2025 renewal date.  At that point, you must renew at the Professional level if you want to keep being listed. 

As in the past, we will continue to offer non-member options for our major events.  Or, you may want to consider continuing your membership at the Supporter level.  You still get event discounts and the bi-monthly newsletter, but the cost is only $25!

Of course!  While are events are held in Indiana, we welcome dancers and allies from all over.

No, only one of the members (typically the troupe director) would have pay their dues at the Professional level. They would then act as the point of contact for information needed for website updates, social media blasts, etc. This would apply to any sized troupe.

Yes!  As a Professional level member you can have one listing as a solo performer and a separate listing for your troupe in the performers directory.  You can also be in the teachers and vendor/professional services directories as well!

Our online membership management system already supports multiple memberships levels, which should make for a smooth transition.