INBC's Committees & Teams

Throughout the years, INBC has had various committees and teams with many of the positions overlapping. As more people sign up to volunteer, teams and committees are developed. This also means people who are involved with these groups need to be versatile, cross trained/trainable, have a variety of experience, and be a team player.

Click on a committee or team to learn more about its duties and responsibilities.

The Event Planning Committee (EPC) is a small group of people responsible for planning, executing, and producing our two large events: the Annual Bazaar and Summer’s End as well as some smaller events. They work directly with the INBC Board Members, the Marketing and Advertising Team, and engage with the members of INBC.

Learn More About EPC Duties & Responsibilities

The Marketing and Advertising Team (MAT) has a big responsibility. Not only is the department responsible for event outreach & sales, they are responsible for communication and the positive impactful image of INBC.

Learn More About MAT Duties & Responsibilities

The Tech & Audio/Visual Team (Tech Team/ TT) has a unique job. Those with this position should be tech savvy people who are behind the scenes making our events, meetings, and ensuring workshops run smoothly. This team is for people who have experience with in person and virtual events. We are looking for at least two people to fill this position.

Learn More about Tech Team/TT Duties & Responsibilities

The SPG is a new part of INBC even though funding for the program started allocation around 2016. With our organization pushing forward in 2020, the SGP Review Team consists of the President, VP, and Treasurer of the INBC Board of Directors. This team is for these Board positions only since they have to verify a few factors with program submissions.

The Voting Committee is a nice transitional team of former members of the Board of Directors and prominent people within INBC/ISAMETD who have helped steer our organization along. This almost secret group of people, scout active members for future positions, and review submissions of those who run for an office. The team doesn’t like to be disturbed with their work, but they have a good eye in what they do. Any active member can volunteer to run for an office on the Board of Directors, but you have to submit a bio and supporting information when the opportunity comes.

Candidate submissions opportunities will be advertised via email and on the Members Only Facebook Page.