Meet INBC's 2024-2026 Board of Directors
Learn more about each of our board members’ roles in the INBC. Please feel free to contact the Board should you have a question, concern, comment, or feedback.
April Denney
Kayla Miller
Laci Watson
Vice President
Katie Ulmer
Mutsumi Takahata (Nisreen)
PR Officer
Andy Smith
Events Coordinator
Board of Directors Duties & Responsibilities
The INBC Board of Directors is comprised of elected volunteers who work as a team to plan INBC events, hold positions within the committees and teams, support our members by taking members requests, represent the members in meetings, answer members questions, and make sure the legacy of INBC continues on. Each position has general requirements and tasks.
Elections are held every 2 years where people can remain in the same position for up to 2 terms (4 years), but they have to run again when each term ends. If positions aren’t filled there can be moments when people fill those positions in the interim until another election takes place.
Click on a a position to learn the duties and responsibilities of that role.
- President
Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Public Relations Officer
- Events Coordinator
- Webmaster
The President provides the vision of where the organization is heading and what it can aspire to be. They also oversee the other departments and run the INBC Board Meetings. They are the highest level of all of the Directors.
The Vice President is responsible for membership and member renewals. The Vice President can help with the other departments, and also stands in representation of the President when the President isn’t available.
The Board Secretary keeps track of agenda items and prepares minutes for INBC Board Meetings, and they are responsible for maintaining all archives for the organization.
The Treasurer is responsible for managing the financial part of INBC. This includes reimbursing expenses, filing tax returns and other required government forms, and preparing a financial report at each Board meeting.
The Public Relations Officer uses social media, email, and other advertising mediums to keep members and the general public engaged and informed as to upcoming events and other INBC activities. This is one of the most active positions on the board.
The events coordinator acts as a liaison between various event committees and the Board of Directors.
The webmaster assumes primary responsibility for ensuring that INBC’s website is maintained, updated, and improved as appropriate.