INBC Green Room Policy

The following policy was adopted by the Board on 3/13/2024 to help ensure the safety and comfort of performers at belly dance events sponsored, or co-sponsored, by the Indiana Bellydance Collective.  This policy applies to multi-person spaces used by performers for costume changes and/or relaxing before or after performing (i.e. “green rooms”).

All events sponsored or co-sponsored by INBC should comply with the following:

  1. The following language posted on the green room door: “Performers ONLY; knock and announce yourself before entering.  NO CELL PHONE USAGE.” 
  2. A copy of the following rules posted inside the room:
    • Absolutely NO cell phone usage inside the green room. No phone calls, no texting, and certainly no photos.
    • Keep doorways clear of all items and bodies. This is a fire safety issue.
    • No guests.
    • If you see someone not abiding by these rules, please remind them and refer them to the posted rules. If the behavior persists, inform the Board immediately to properly address the grievance (see Appropriate Behavior and Grievances in the Members Handbook).

We have created printable signs that may be used by event organizers to comply with the green room policy.  Please press the button below to view, download, and print the signs.